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Generic equivalent wellbutrin (0.5 mg) (1). As part of this study, researchers also studied the drug's efficacy in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). They observed a statistically significant reduction in MDD symptoms with the treatment, even after researchers adjusted for other depression medications (2). However, there's one drawback of the drugs called bupropion and Wellbutrin that could be problematic: they can have significant adverse effects on blood sugar control (3). While it hasn't been shown to be harmful in larger trials, the medication can affect blood sugar control, though it has no significant effect on triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) or blood pressure (4). Also, there has been some concern about the drug's potentially dangerous interaction with alcohol, which can increase the side effects in some cases (5). However, research indicates a better solution for alcohol abuse (i.e. cutting down) is to stop drinking instead (6). The researchers of this study hypothesized that the improvement of depression symptoms will be temporary, and therefore, that the risk of suicide in patients with depression will be higher when they stop drinking. Although, these researchers are cautious about making definitive conclusions the safety of these drugs and stress that more research is needed. How to Use It Wellbutrin is taken orally, and best applied to the skin. It's not recommended for people with liver problems or the need to avoid medications that increase cholesterol levels. However, these risks can be minimized when using Wellbutrin in combination with lifestyle measures (7). For the best results, use only recommended dose. The dose varies by type and brand. About Wellbutrin is a combination of bupropion and the antidepressant Wellbutrin SR (a potent SSRI) (1). Why it's Useful in Depression Wellbutrin was designed for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) (8). It works by activating certain brain pathways in the that cause depression symptoms to lessen. Some researchers believe that these pathways in the brain may be linked to the release of some brain chemicals that improve mood, reduce anxiety, and lower the risk of depression recurrence (2-4). For a more detailed discussion of Wellbutrin's effects, see: What Makes Wellbutrin So Effective? The Most Popular Depression Medication Right now, Wellbutrin is the most frequently prescribed antidepressant (9). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 20% the US population suffer from MDD (2). About 14 million US adults are currently taking these drugs. Sources of Wellbutrin is sold as a medication by most leading physicians offices as well pharmacy chains. It's available in the following forms: tablet medication skin patch oral liquid concentrate concentrate (powder) pill Other antidepressants and anti-an.